Sunday, January 15, 2012

Family Sponsor for January

Update on the Window Treatments by Melissa sponsor family for January has an update: Baby is home and doing well, recovering from Rhino virus. This is dangerous for premie babies. But he is home and well now.

For anyone new to Window Treatments by Melissa, each month we sponsor or host a family or individual by donating $5 of every order that month to their cause. Below is the Facebook post about our January sponsor family:

Many of you know that here at Window Treatments by Melissa we like to help where we can in the community by donating $5 of every order to a good cause. This month's sponsor family is very close to me. Some of our long time "likers" and customers know that we suffered a great loss in November. We lost two seamstresses. It was a great loss to me and I am still very sad over the situation. I was not ...myself after that. I was suffering and even in physical pain over it. I discussed the situation with a doctor and he explained to me that because my family was never very big on saying, "I love you" and always liked to express it in other ways, I was expressing my great love to these women by extending a job to them. Trusting them with my name, my business, my finances, etc. So when they left the business it hurt so bad it felt like I was experiencing two deaths at once. I have been mourning over this loss and it has changed me as a person. Throughout my great sorrow and grief there has been only two people who could see me as me and who knew that once I overcame my grief I would be same old me again. Those two people are my wonderful husband and my friend whom I am sponsoring this month. She did not abandon me, she did not email me saying what I should and shouldn't do or how to handle the situation. She has been patiently waiting for me to overcome my hurt feelings and grief. She always looked at me with love and saw me as Melissa, not as hurt, grieving Melissa. Simply, she saw me as a sister. If I didn't know I had her love and support I would not have made it through this difficult time. We haven't even communicated a lot throughout this situation. But just knowing that she was there with love and support helped me through.

Her baby is in the hospital tonight and for unknown reasons. They are running tests, etc. He is only a few weeks old. I want to help where I can as she has helped me more than she will ever know. I think just her being her and loving and caring has probably saved my marriage, my life. I am sponsoring her this month so that we may help with medical bills that will result from this hospital visit. If you would like to help please use couponcode HELPING to get free shipping on your next order.

This has been a very personal post, but this is a very personal situation and I am determined to help as much as I can. I am hoping that by posting as me and not as Windows by Melissa that I may reach some on a personal level so that you all may know of my deep love and concern for all. I genuinely care for all and this love is caried with me in my work.

I thank you all for following us and supporting our business. We would be nothing without you. I wish I could know each and every one of you, for you all mean a great deal to me. I would not exist without your support.

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